Using a very broad brush, there are two major areas where "Design" advocates suggest we look for intelligent causation.
1) The construct of the Physical Universe
2) Biological Complexity.
On rare occasion I read the words of a person who accepts the propect of design in one area, but not the other. It would appear that Theist and evolutionist (but not a theistic evolutionist?) Fracis Collins accepts the idea that God, as an intelligent being, set up the contants of the physical universe in such a way as to provide a foundation for life. On the other hand, he seems to favor Darwinian (unguided) evolution. He's an odd bird, something of a Christian apologist, and micro matterialist at the same time. As a rule, however, you will find that folks who site God as active in the set up of the Universe, also find him capable of innovation at the level of life and biological complexity.
Design expressed in:
Fundamental Physical Laws (the problem of Universals)
Universal Constants
Atomic Structure
The attributes of particular materials (example: water)
The distribution of materials
The origin of Life
The complexity of DNA
The complexity of the Cell
The Complexity of organ systems, and the integration of the cellular
The particular attributes of individual species.
The Mind of Man
The Social relationships of Man (Ethics)
The CO2 Scam Exposed
6 months ago