Intelligent Design – Basic Outline
Session One: Introduction, Definitions, The Case for a Creator, The “Thermodynamics of Spirit.”
Session Two: Review: A Deeper and Critical examination of ID, Creationism, Naturalism, Evolution etc., with special emphasis on the limits and nature of science, an examination of the relationship between Faith and Reason. What is Biblical Faith?
Session 1
I – Introduction “World View Roulette”
A) the basic problem of philosophy
B) Four fundamental Solutions to the problem of existence
II – What is Teleology? (or, What is A-teleology?)
A: The concept of “formal ends” --In what sense is “purpose” a part of design?
B: What is Intelligent Design? (Basic)
Introduce Paley and the Watchmaker Argument
C: What is Naturalism (Basic) (and how does naturalism preclude teleology)
III-What is Special Creation?
A: What is Biblical, or --Young Earth Creationism?
B: What is Progressive, or -- Old Earth Creationism?
C: What is teleological evolution? (and is it a form of Special Creation?)
* (Note: this may be the place to introduce a Theology of Creation VIII, or save for latter.
IV – What is meant by the term Evolution?
A: Background, Darwin, Definitions, Basic Components
1) explore multiple meanings, both technical and “poetic”
1) Natural selection
2) What is common descent?
B: Special Evolution v General Evolution. (or Micro Evolution v Macro Evolution.
C: Differentiation of Evolution from Cosmology, abiogenesis, and population dynamics.
D: In what ways has Darwinian Evolution impacted the realms of science and belief. (Basic)
Can/Should/or does Evolution promote atheism?
V: Bridge - Thoughts on the domain or ability of science
A: What is Empiricism?
B : What is Philosophic Naturalism/ Methodological Naturalism (and how do they differ)?
C: What is NOMA (and is it philosophically defensible)
C: What is Special providence/Ordinary Providence (and how do they differ?)
V – Intelligent Design
A: In what sense is Intelligent design different from either Creationism/or Darwinian Evolution?
B – Information Theory
1 – What is information? What is the information problem?
2 –What is irreducible Complexity?
3-What is Specified Complexity?
4)-What is the Law of the Conservation of Information?
5) What is the Design Inference?
C: In what sense is Intelligent Design a:
1) Limited Concept
2) Powerful concept.
VI – Beyond the limited argument (The Case for a Creator)
Or The Intelligence of God as expressed in:
Fundamental Physical Laws (the problem of Universals)
Universal Constants
The place and character of the Earth within the Cosmos
The attributes of particular materials (example: water)
The origin of Life
The complexity of DNA
The complexity of the Cell, organ systems, and organisms.
The particular attributes of individual species.
The attributes of man (reason, imagination, creativity)
Q: What is the Anthropomorphic principle?
VII: What is Man or…. The “Thermodynamics” of Spirit.
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