Monday, March 15, 2010

What is Faith?

The world of sense intrudes upon our attention day and night for the whole of our lifetime. It is clamorous, insistent and self-demonstrating. It does not appeal to our faith; it is here, assaulting our five senses, demanding to be accepted as real and final.
 But sin has so clouded the lenses or out hearts that we cannot see that other reality, the City of God, shinning around us. The world of sense triumphs. The visible becomes the enemy of the invisible; the temporal, of the eternal. That is the curse inherited by every member of Adam’s tragic race. (AW Tozer) sp?

Faith is sometimes promoted as something that does not intersect “science”

If you believe in god one hopes you are not going to give up that belief because of a geological discovery of a new type of rock or the identification of new oddball microorganism! Faith is faith. Those who would save faith by arguing that it is ultimately to be treated as a branch of science are recommending saving the patient by killing him. That is exactly what "Expelled" wants you to do. And that is why mainstream religion should ignore this film.   From a review of Expelled, by  Arthur Caplan, PHD) MSNBC)

Q:  How does this argument treat faith?  What is the suggested realtionship between faith and science.

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